QCeSeal on eToken (QCSD) for production of Qualified Electronic Seal
Getting Started
Congratulations on purchasing this Qualified Certificate for electronic Seal issued to your company. The certificate is delivered to you on a USB token (eToken) from Buypass. With this you may generate a Qualified Electronic Seal on a document from your office computer.
If you encounter problems. see our online documentation or contact our support center on kundeservice@buypass.noFor å kunne opprette et kvalifisert elektronisk segl (QES) er det nødvendig å ha både et kvalifisert sertifikat for elektronisk segl og en enhet for opprettelse av kvalifisert signatur (QSCD).
dokumentet Ved å følge disse instruksjonene er du snart klar til å produsere på et hvilket som helst PDF-dokument.What is a Qualified Electronic Seal?
An “electronic seal” is similar to a digital signature but representing your organization/company and not you as a physical person. To be able to create a Qualified Electronic Seal it is required to have a Qualified Certificate for electronic Seal AND a Qualified Signature Creation Device.
Many EU based recipients of formal documents such as agreements, declarations etc. require the document to be sealed with a Qualified Electronic Seal. By following theese instructions you are soon ready to produce a Qualified Electronic Seal on any PDF document.
Sikkerhet og beskyttelse
Den USB eToken du har mottatt, er en avansert HW-enhet som inneholder et digitalt sertifikat som representerer din organisasjon/bedrift på samme måte som delegerte signatur- og prokurarettigheter for organisasjonen/bedriften og må derfor lagres trygt. Vi anbefaler at dette eToken oppbevares i esken, på et trygt sted, når det ikke er i bruk.
De medfølgende PIN- og PUK-kodene må også oppbevares på et trygt sted og ikke på samme sted som eToken for å unngå utilsiktet bruk. Vær oppmerksom på at Buypass så ikke lagre en kopi av PIN/PUK-kodene, så hvis du går tapt vil du ikke kunne produsere det elektroniske seglet.
Vi anbefaler at du kun deler tilgangen til eToken og PIN-koden med autorisert personell.
Safety and security
The USB eToken you have received, is an advanced HW device that contain a digital certificate that represent your organization/company in the same way as delegated signature and procuration rights for the organization/company and need to be stored safely. We recommend that the eToken is stored in its case in a safe place when not in use.
The accompanying PIN and PUK codes also need to be stored in a safe place, and away from the eToken to avoid unintentional use. Note that Buypass so not store a copy of the PIN/PUK codes, so if lost you will not be able to produce the electronic seal.
We recommend that you only share the access to the eToken and PIN with authorized personnel.
Hvordan mottar vi sertifikatet?
Etter å ha bestilt vil du motta , i en dedikert eske inne i en umerket boblekonvolutt. Du (eller noen som er oppnevnt av din bedrift) vil motta en via ID-verifisering. På grunn av de strenge kravene disse PIN-kodene deFjern eToken fra esken og sett den inn i en kontordatamaskin. Vi anbefaler at du oppbevarer esken for oppbevaring av eToken.
Merk at denne pakken har en levetid på 3 år. Etter sertifikatets utløpsdato kan enheten og sertifikatet kasseres. Det er ingen informasjon på enheten som kan skade din bedrift, så sikker avhending er ikke nødvendig, men alltid anbefalt.
Vi anbefaler at du noterer datoen for mottak av denne pakken på esken for enkel kontroll av utløpsdatoen.
How do we receive the certificate?
After ordering the Buypass product Qualified Certificate for electronic Seal on QSCD, you will receive the QSCD eToken in a box inside an un-branded bubble envelope.
You (or someone that are appointed by your company) will receive a 6-digit PIN and PUK code in a separate letter from Buypass via ID verification. Due to the strict requirements on these PIN codes they are delivered by a secured service. In Norway we use PUM service from Norwegian Post.
Remove the eToken from the box and insert into an office computer. We recommend that you keep the box for storage of the eToken.
Note that this package have a lifespan of 3 years. After certificate expiry date, the unit and certificate can be discarded. There is no information on the unit that can harm your company so safe disposal is not necessary, but always recommended.
We recommend that you note the date of receiving this package on the box for easy control of the expiry date.
Installasjon Microsoft-brukere
Tilgang til USB-token er normalt ferdig integrert i Microsoft-operativsystemet. En driver er nødvendig for å få tilgang til sertifikatet, men vil normalt installeres automatisk på Windows-operativsystemer. (se drivere nedenfor)
For å kunne Vanligvis krever de fleste mottakere av dokumenter PDF PDF- Se Konfigurere PDF-leser (Acrobat DC) nedenfor for instruksjoner om førstegangsoppsett.Installation Microsoft users
Access to USB token os nrmally integrated in the Microsoft operating system. A driver is needed to access the certificate, but normally will be installed automatically on Windows operating systems. (see Drivers below)
To be able to produce a document containing a Qualified Electronic Seal, you will need to use a document application. Typically most receivers of documents require PDF and the most widely used PDF application is Adobe Acrobat. See Setting up PDF reader (Acrobat DC) below for instructions on first time setup.
Når du setter inn eToken USB-pinnen i Windows-maskinen din, skal den nødvendige driveren automatisk lastes ned til datamaskinen og installeres. Det vil av operativsystemet bli nevnt som et "smartkort", og datamaskinen din vil normalt gi deg varsler om installasjon av driveren. Avhengig av sikkerhetsinnstillingene dine kan du bli bedt om å godta installasjonen av driveren.
Hvis du ikke finner sertifikatet som er oppført når du konfigurerer PDF-leser (Acrobat DC eller lignende), har sannsynligvis driveren mislyktes i å installere riktig og må installeres manuelt. For Windows-operativsystemer må du laste ned og installere den nyeste driveren fra denne siden: SafeNet Minidriver (Thales - Drivere )
Det beste alternativet er å søke etter "Thales SafeNet minidriver". last deretter ned driverpakken og følg instruksjonene fra driverleverandøren.
Datamaskiner med andre sertifikatlagringsdrivere installert kan oppleve noen problemer. Se våre FAQ eller kontakt din interne IT-støtte eller Buypass-kundestøtte for å få hjelp.
When inserting the eToken USB stick into your windows computer the required driver shall automatically be downloaded to your computer and install. It will by the operating system be mentioned as a “Smartcard” and your computer will normally give you notifications on installation of the driver. Depending on your security settings you might be prompted to accept installation of the driver.
If you cannot find the certificate listed when setting up PDF reader (Acrobat DC or similar) then the driver probably has failed to install correctly and need to be manually installed. For windows operating systems you need to download and install the latest driver from this page: SafeNet Minidriver (thalesgroup.com)
Best option is to search for “Thales SafeNet minidriver”. then download the driver package and follow the driver supplier instructions.
Computes with other certificate storage drivers installed may experience some trouble. See our FAQ or contact your internal IT support or Buypass support for help.
Last ned den nyeste filen
Følg instruksjonene.
Hvis du har problemer: 1) kontakt systemadministratoren for å få hjelp. 2) Kontakt Buypass Support på kundeservice@buypass.no
You can download the windows driver from SafeNet Minidriver (thalesgroup.com)
Download the latest one
The Driver is a .zip file. Open it.
Select the folder /MSI and then the package for either 64bit or 32 bit operating system ( if you do not know, contact your system administrator)
Select the SafeNet-Minidriver Windows Installer Package ( it should be the only file in this folder)
Follow the instructions.
If you have problems: 1) contact your System Administrator for help. 2) Contact Buypass Support on kundeservice@buypass.no
Setting up PDF reader (Acrobat DC)
Acrobat Reader DC is the most widely used application for PDF based document management and the one used in this description. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat DC , go to adobe.com and download this application and follow the instructions for installation or contact your system administrator for advice on editing .PDF documents.
The certificate on the eToken shall appear in the certificate list in Adobe automatically. You can verify this by:
Open Acrobat Reader application.
Select: Edit>Preferences>Signatures: (NO: rediger->Innstillinger → Signaturer)
Select “Identities and Trusted Certificates Settings” and verify that your company name is on the list (in the example shown the company name is “Test AS”
Installasjon MAC brukere
Drivere for MAC
Vil bli lagt til
Sette opp PDF-leser (Acrobat DC)
Samme prosedyre som for Microsoft
Installation MAC users
Drivers for MAC
To be added
Setting up PDF reader (Acrobat DC)
Same procedure as for Microsoft
Forsegle et dokument
og det som brukes i denne beskrivelsen.Last inn . forsegle
Velg sertifikatikonet (du må kanskje velge "flere verktøy) hvis sertifikatverktøyet ikke er synlig:
En meny vises på toppen av dokumentet
Velg Sertifiser
Plasser rammen i den foretrukne delen av dokumentet
Følg instruksjoner for dokument og velg ditt firmasertifikat.
Sealing a document
Acrobat Reader DC is the most widely used application for PDF based document management and the one used in this description.
Load the .pdf document to seal
Select the Certificates icon (you may have to select “more tools) if the Certificate”tool is not visible:
A menu appear on top of the document
Select Certify
Place the frame in preferred part of the document
Follow instructions for document and select your company certificate (here Test AS)
Verifisering av forseglet dokument
Slik bekrefter du at du har et dokument som inneholder et kvalifisert elektronisk segl:Bekreft og tekstVelg pennesymbolet og utvid informasjonsfeltet. Bekreft
Verifying a sealed document
To verify that you have a document containing a Qualified Electronic Seal:
Open the document in Acrobat Reader or similar application (se example right)
Confirm that the blue line show green validation symbol and tekst: Signed and all signatures are valid.
Select the pen symbol and expand the information field. Verift that the text show: This is a Qualified Electronic Seal according to EU registration 910/2014
Et annet sertifikat på datamaskinen min vises:
\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography\Calais\SmartCards\Acc Net iD - GPK 34
\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Cryptography\Calais\SmartCards\Acc Net iD - GPK 34
The PDF SW cannot find the certificate: If you have installed other certificates on your computer (locally on your HD or on a smartcard or similar, the driver may have precedence to the driver for this eToken. Contact your IT support or read FAQ 5
Adobe is running protected mode and cannot show the certificate: un-select protected mode snd restart Adobe Reader DC.
The driver is not downloaded: Download driver SafeNet Minidriver 10.8 R6 (Post GA)
I am using a MAC:
Another certificate on my computer is shown: