CPS for Brukerstedssertifikater inngår i Buypass CA Dokumentasjon (juridisk).
Øvrige CA-dokumenter finnes på Buypass nettsider. Forklaring: CP = Certificate Policy CERTIFICATION PRACTICE STATEMENT: BUYPASS CLASS 2 MERCHANT CERTIFICATES - version 2.0 effective date: 28.04.2014. Hentet fra første kapittel i dokumentet: 1.1 Overview A Certification Practice Statement (CPS) is a “statement of the practices which a Certificate Authority employs in issuing Certificates” [1]. This document provides a Certification Practice Statement for Buypass Class 2 Merchant Certificates. Buypass is the Certificate Authority (CA) for all Buypass Class 2 Merchant Certificates. Buypass Class 2 Merchant Certificates may only be issued to organizations that are registered in the Central Coordinating Register for Legal Entities. For the purpose of this document, a Subscriber denotes the organization which contracts with the CA for the issuance of Certificates. For key/Certificate management operations the Subscriber shall be represented by natural persons in the role of Authorized Subscriber Representatives. The Subject denotes a non-human entity (application or system) that represents the Subscriber and which is the holder of the Private Key associated with the Public Key to which the Certificate is issued. The Subject shall be represented by a natural person in the role of a Subject Sponsor who undertakes the Subject’s obligations as defined in the Certificate Policy for Buypass Class 2 Merchant Certificates [14]. |
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