Generating one-time code

One-time codes can only be used if you...

  • are registreded as a user at the organization and have been assigned a user name
  • have set up a PIN code, which you use each time you want a one.time code generated

Read more about installation and activation of apps

Generating a one-time code  

    • Open Buypass Code App on your mobile phone
    • Press the PIN code "4 digit" field and enter your PIN code + OK
    • You can use TouchID if TouchID is activated

You will receive then a one-time code (6 digits). Enter your user name and the one-time code to log on.


One-time code validity

One-time codes are valid for 120 seconds. If you do not use the code within 120 seconds, then you must generate a new one-time code.  A countdown in seconds is shown with a progress-bar (padlock on a red line) at the bottom of the screen.

Offline Mode

Buypass Code can be used in Offline Mode if your mobile phone is without network. This is shown by the line which the padlock moves along being grey. One-time codes in Offline Mode are 8-digit codes and automatically change every 30 seconds. The time remaining is shown by a green circle which disappears as time elapses. The countdown circle is complete when a new code is first displayed.




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