Buypass Code Manager

Release note for Buypass Code

Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.


Release version:              Buypass Code

Release date:                    09.09.2014

Document classification: Open 

Copyright:                         Buypass AS 2013-2014

New features

User storyDescription
As an administrator of Buypass Code
I want to be able to manage users in an HTTP lookup store
So that users can login using Buypass Code
The Service Connector is now able to lookup users over HTTP
As an administrator in Code Manager
I want to be able to see information about HTTP lookups in the logs
So that I can keep track of logins and help users if they have problems
Service Connector logs and event log provides clear information about HTTP lookup
As a Superuser in Code Manager
I want to be able to create and edit HTTP lookup configurations
So that HTTP can be used to lookup users
The configuration GUI for LDAP and HTTP in Code Manager has a new and more intuitive look
As a Superuser in Code Manager or Code Manager partner
I want to be able to create and edit ‘First name’, ‘Last name’, ‘Email’ and ‘Other information’ for admins
So that it is easy to know the person behind the username and who to contact
It is possible to add more information to an admin in Code Manager
As an administrator of the Service Connector
I want information about the Radius client in the trace log
So that I know which radius client is having problem
The Service Connector now trace log RADIUS Client IP and RADIUS attributes (NAS-IP, NAS-Identifier and Tunnel Group Name) on debug level (level 6)
As an administrator in Code Manager
I want information if a user was found in an LDAP / HTTP lookup store but phone number was missing
So that I know how I can help the user
The event log now differentiates between a found user without phone number and if the user was not found at all
As a user of the Code Manager REST API
I want HTTP status codes in responses
So that I know the response status
The API now returns correct HTTP status codes for all responses
As a user of the Code Manager REST API
I want error messages that I understand
So that I know what went wrong
The API now returns more intuitive error messages when something goes wrong
As an administrator in Code Manager
I want event log messages to be clear and understandable
So that i know how to help users
Several of the event log messages have been made clearer


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