The list pre-approved eID means will be updated when new eID means are verified to be compliant with the requirements in this identity proofing context.
👉 2024-08-21: This is a preliminary example list. The final list will be published and managed here on this page shortly by Buypass.
The following eID means are pre-approved by Buypass for the defined policy levels:
Type of eID means | eID scheme | eIDAS LoA | Policy level |
Buypass ID in mobile | Norwegian eID scheme – level High | High | QCP |
Buypass ID on smartcard | Norwegian eID scheme – level High | High | QCP |
Buypass ID Key | Norwegian eID scheme – level High | High | QCP |
BankID Netcentric | Norwegian eID scheme – level High | High | QCP |
BankID on Mobile | Norwegian eID scheme – level High | High | QCP |
BankID Biometric | Substantial | NCP | |
Swedish BankID | Swedish Trust Framework - level 3 | Substantial | NCP (by default) |
Danish MitID | Danish eID scheme – level High | High | QCP |
Danish eID scheme – level | Substantial | NCP |