Buypass Enterprise Signing

About Buypass Enterprise Signing

Solves the need of mass signing on behalf of the business - delivered as a service. Ensures origin and integrity, and is approved by Adobe and in the EU according to the eIDAS regulation.

The remote signing service signs an anonymous representation of the document (hash) supplied through the signing API, provided a valid token authorizing access to the centrally stored private signing key. No exchanged of documents needed between your business and Buypass to create the signature.

The signing algorithms supported by the services is RSA.

Authentication - access to Enterprise Signing Service

To gain access to the remote signing services you need to be authenticated. Authentication is performed by sending a signed JWT to the Buypass enterprise OIDC server. The JWT must be signed with a merchant certificate.

The response from the OIDC server is a json with an access_token. This token should be provided with each request to the remote signing service as a header property with the key 'Authorization' and value 'Bearer TOKEN'. The access_token expires after a relatively short period. To be able to continue to send requests to the remote signing service, a new token must then be acquired.



Technical documentation

See description on Buypass Developer Space: Buypass Cloud Signature Services and particularly BCSS - enterprise signing (eSeal)


Test environment

If you want access to test certificates, you can get in contact with our Customer Service. Please use this form.


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