BAM_LRA v3.7.0_7658

Releasenote for Buypass Access Manager - BAM_LRA v3.7 

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Release version:               Buypass Access Manager - BAM_LRA .net 3.7.0_7658

Release date:                   22.12.2015

Document classification:  Open 

Copyright:                        Buypass AS 2013-2016

Her er en kort oppsummering av hvilke nye funksjoner og oppdateringer som ligger i BAM-klient versjon 3.7.0_7658.

  1. Større endringer Configuration Application Tool for forenkling av konfigurering og oppsett av BAM-klienten – se punkt 1 nedenfor for ytterligere detaljer
  2. Informasjon om BAM-klientens versjonsnummer er lagt inn i grensesnitt mot Buypass og i tracefilene for både BAM-klienten og Configuration Application Tool klienten.
    Det er nå mulig å sende trace-filene direkte til Buypass fra startssiden i Configuration Application Tool – se punkt 2 nedenfor for ytterligere detaljer
  3. Implementert samme sjekker på dataene som registreres via Batch preregistering som når èn og èn person preregistreres når BAM-klienten er satt opp i Mixed Mode – se punkt 3 nedenfor for ytterligere detaljer
  4. Mulighet til å velge hvilke PIN-koder som skal avblokkeres når en eller begge er blokkert – se punkt 4 nedenfor for ytterligere detaljer
  5. Direkte overgang fra Smartkort diagnose til PIN Administrasjon dersom status på PIN tilsier at en PIN er blokkert – se punkt 5 nedenfor for ytterligere detaljer
  6. Bedre meldinger i flere situasjoner; flere og bedre meldinger i skjermbildet for Operatørene, Operatørstatus, bedre feilmeldinger, meldinger ved bruk av ulike PIN-koder for lokale og kvalifiserte sertifikater i kortet, etc.
  7. Informasjon både i skjermbildene og i PDFer om hvilken modus BAM-klienten er satt opp med

(lightbulb) MERK! List with details for new features is written in English only

New features  

  1. Configuration Application Tool – major changes and improvements for configuration and setup of BAM client – documented in UserGuide – Configuration Application Tool version 3.7

    1. It is possible to send log-/trace-files directly to Buypass Customer Service from the start page of the Configuration Application Tool client. See 2b below.
    2. The TEST-button in the different tabs - both for LOCAL and MASTER configurations, will test actual devices and backend interfaces using the parameters and values registered in each tab.
      It does not matter if the values are saved or not when testing, but you need to remember to save before exiting the application if you want to keep the new values. New values show in red.
      Details of what actually are tested are shown in the lower part of every screen with parameter labels and results. Details are also described connected to each function.
    3. There are small changes in all tabs – both for LOCAL- and MASTER-configurations, connected to parameter labels, parameter localization in GUI and names of buttons. New TEST-functionality is already described in bullet point above.
      We have done this based on feedback from you and our aim of doing the client more intuitive. The description of some of the parameters are updated as well.
    4. We have added a possibility to fetch a smaller list with the most common used AD-fields in connection with configuration of AD employee mapping. This will take less time to show, compared to fetching the complete list which can be time consuming and heavy.
      The smaller list contains following fields:
      • givenName
      • sn
      • mail
      • cn
      • sAMAccountName
      • userPrincipalName
      • extentionAttribute1-15
    5. From version 3.7 SSN-mapping is stored in the LraConfig.Master.XML file in a new way. Registration of SSN-mode and mapping will be remembered when updating the BAM-client, and when configuring you can fetch the AD-fields based on the FETCH-search when mapping different AD-fields. Running the TEST the AD-fields configured in the SSN-mapping will be checked, and if changes are done in AD you will get an error message if mapping is one way or other ruined.
      If BAM client is configured to be in Mixed Mode (LC+QC) then IssuerKey is defined here in the Master_AD_Employee tab. 
      If BAM client is configured to be in Buypass Mode (QC only) then IssuerKey is defined in the Master_Buypass tab - see description connected to Batch Preregistration below and for the Batch Preregistration and Buypass tabs in the Configuration Application Userguide.

  2. Version number and trace file handling - documented in UserGuide – Configuration Application Tool version 3.7

    1. Information of installed BAM client version number was added in BAM client trace file already in version 3.6. Now we also have added the BAM client version number in the communication with Buypass in the BAM client startup function and in the trace files for Configuration Application Tool. 
    2. It is possible to send log-/trace files directly to Buypass Customer Service from the start page of the Configuration Application Tool client. The 5 last trace files are sent as enclosure in an email. There are two SEND-buttons – one for BAM client trace files and one for Configuration Application Tool client trace files.
      Requirements: BAM client PC needs to have access to a mail server and Internet. The Operator must be able to reach the mail server with his account. 

  3. Improvements in Batch Preregistration – documented in UserGuide Preregistration Norwegian and English guides 

    1. We have implemented more tests and checks in the information verification step in the Batch PreRegistration function. The data in batchfile are checked and mapped to the information in local AD. If Name or IssuerKey in file differs from what is found in AD warning will be given.
      This checkes are turned on when BAM client is set in Mixed Mode only. If BAM client is set in Buypass Mode we don’t run checks other than towards Buypass. New checks will increase time for operation, but we think that is accepted as long as we avoid the possibility to have different information in AD and in Buypass. 

  4. Changes in PIN Administration Unblock – documented in PIN-administration
    We have implemented the possibility to choose which PIN to unblock as we do in change PIN function. There is no need of unblocking QC if LC only is blocked or the other way round.

  5. Improvements in Smartcard Diagnostic – documented in UserGuide – Smartcard Diagnostic.
    We have implemented the possibility to go directly from details in Smartcard Diagnostic to PIN Administration if one of the PINs are blocked. A button is enabled when the diagnostics shows blocked PIN. 

  6. Improvements in error messages and in GUIs with texts and layout.

  7. Information regarding BAM client Mode is added both in GUI and PDFs.
    We have added BAM Mode in all GUIs and in all PDFs, so there are no doubts of under which circumstances certificates were issued or maintained, and which routines were followed. 

Known Issues

No known bugs/issues

Next release

No date set for new release.

Installation guide - client readme

See documentation here.


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