BAM_LRA v3.3_5375

Releasenote for Buypass Access Manager - LRA v3.3 


(lightbulb) This information is written in English only

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Release version:               Buypass Access Manager - LRA .net 3.3_5375

Release date:                     27.06.2014

Document classification:  Open 

Copyright:                          Buypass AS 2013-2014

New features:

  1. Support for registration and maintenance of Users with temporary SSN (DNR) 

  2. Operator will have the possibility to choose which certificates to revoke when running Revocation function. ALL certificates or ticking one by one from certificate list

  3. Improvements connected to reports
    1. Changes connected to usage of upn in reports to improve CertView
      1. UPN exist in AD - use UPN field as is as restriction for CA CertView
      2. UPN empty in AD - use [sAMAccountName]@[default domain postfix] as restriction for CA CertView
    2. Performs now correct escaping of special characters in literals to be used in LDAP filters – allow non standards characters star *, brackets () and slash /\
  4. New report in Local and Mixed Mode showing Temporary cards issued
  5. It is now possible to setup the LRA client with some of the Sub Menu functions in addition to all Main Menu functions. It is for instance now possible to set up a client with BatchMassPreRegistration function only if an organization want a same department registering the User in AD to preregister the User at the same time

  6. It is possible to choose which value should be set as IssuersKey in communication with Buypass backend. In Mixed Mode there will be a link to a unique field in AD, and in Buypass Mode value must be registered together with user information

  7. Bug fixing / improvements
    1. Language and other changes in guidelines to improve communication and make scenarios more clear
    2. More and better error handling and error messages to improve quality
    3. More and better checks both in LRA client and in communication with Buypass backend to improve the quality
    4. Changes and improvements in Setup Wizard and Configuration Application based on feedback from customers – here even more changes will be implemented
    5. Changes in Startup – Operator credential check in order to be able to use Operator card with QC issued from another issuer as long as certificates are valid and Operator “belongs” to this LRA-organization. LC and Korg-key must still be issued from current LRA-organization
    6. Improvements in PDF connected to headers to give more detailed description of function performed



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