Secure LDAP

The Service Connector is able to lookup user information from the user store with Secure LDAP. First, you must add a new LDAP configuration in Code Manager. Set the URL parameter to use the ldaps protocol. (Example ldaps://myldap.hostname). If no port is provided the default port for Secure LDAP is 636. If the certificate on the LDAP server is not from a trusted Certificate Authority, the certificate must be imported in the Java runtime’s certificate store.

Below is an example on how to import a certificate with name ldaps-cert.cer

On the computer running the Service Connector start a Command prompt as Administrator

Change the current directory as follows:

cd \bps\jre\lib\security

Import the certificate to the Java certificate store

\bps\jre\bin\keytool -importcert -trustcacerts -alias root -keystore cacerts -file ldaps-cert.cer
Enter keystore password: changeit
Trust this certificate? [no]: yes