New Intermediate Certificates

Buypass Intermediate Certificates for SSL must be replaced before 27 June, 10 am

Anyone using Buypass SSL Certificates must replace old intermediate certificates with new intermediate certificates.

Buypass has issued new intermediate certificates for Buypass Class 2 CA 2 and Buypass Class 3 CA 2 from 25 March 2019. This is a mandatory update to ensure that our intermediate certificates meet industry standard requirements for SSL certificates.

SSL certificates distributed by Buypass after 25 March 2019 include the new intermediate certificates.

How to make the change

  • Check if you are using the old intermediate certificates: Check your certificates here
  • Information on how to replace the certificate can be found in your systems documentation. Contact your own IT department if necessary.
  • Download the new intermediate certificates from the links on this page
  • Verify that the new intermediate certificates are correctly installed (using the same tool as the first bullet point).

What is an intermediate certificate?

An intermediate certificate is a certificate that completes a chain from an SSL certificate up to an trusted root certificate. Both the SSL certificate and the intermediate certificate must be installed on the server for the SSL certificate to work properly.

When do I need to take action?

The old intermediate certificates issued 2 December 2016 must be replaced as soon as possible and no later than 15 May 2019.

The old intermediate certificates will be revoked 27 June 10 am.

If old intermediate certificates have not been replaced before revocation, services secured by the SSL certificates will become inaccessible.

Download new intermediate certificates

Important information

  • All intermediate certificates for SSL (CA 2) issued before 25 March 2019 will be revoked on Tuesday 12 November, 2019. From that date the only intermediate certificates valid for SSL (CA 2) will be:
    • Buypass Class 3 CA 2: valid from 25.03.2019 and certificate serial number 514265032366183548021 (hex: 1be0dc6a3e7f220475)
    • Buypass Class 2 CA 2: valid from 25.03.2019 and certificate serial number 506717002825437421431 (hex: 1b781c6d5e34ce1f77)
  • The old intermediate certificates will be revoked 27 June, 10 am
  • If old intermediate certificates have not been replaced before revocation, services secured by Buypass SSL certificates will become inaccessible