Oversikt OS- og nettleserstøtte / System requirements

Oversikt OS- og nettleserstøtte / System requirements

  • Operating System / Servers:

    • Microsoft: We support OS-versions that

       Search here to find the product support lifecycle for your product and version.

    • MAC: MAC OSX 10.10 and later

    • Linux - not supported

  • Browsers Windows: Chrome, Edge and Opera which is chromium-based, Firefox set up for using the Microsoft certificate store - see Krever at nettleser benytter Microsoft sitt sertifikatlager. We do not support IE any more.

  • Browsers Mac: Chrome, Safari which is chromium-based, Firefox set up for using the MacOS certificate store - see - Krever at nettleser benytter MacOS sitt sertifikatlager.

  • .NET Framework 4.7.2 (from v1.4.1 ) and later. When using the .exe installer, the required version of .NET FW will be downloaded and installed automatically. For the .msi installer, it is a prerequisite.

  • TLS - TLSv1.2 is default and well supported protocol starting from .NET 4.6. Buypass do not support TLS 1.0 anymore, but TLS1.1/1.2 as recommended.

  • Ports: The Smart Card proxy sets up an HTTPS listener on port 31505, which must not be in use by other processes. On server platforms, Javafri also requires the port range 31506 - 315099 to be available since each user’s SCProxy process reserves its own port.


Other requirements:

  • The installation requires admin access to client



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