Step by step installation

Step by step installation

Buypass Javafree will be downloaded for installation when you log on to a service using Buypass ID on smartcard.
You may also install Buypass Javafree manually using the installation package which you download on Buypass.com.


The browsers have different way of downloading the installation package - please follow the instructions given in the browser.


If you have problems please contact Buypass Support.


The installation package is in Norwegian only, but it should be easy to follow also for those of you reading English only. Follow the instructions here.


Here we just tell that you can find more information on Buypass webside.

Installer = Install

Lukk = Close

This is just a page showing that installation is running.

This tells that installation is finished and you can close the window by pushing the button saying Lukk.

Lukk = close

Repair or uninstall:

If you need to reinstall or you want to uninstall Buypass Javafree you can use the following buttons:

Reparere = Repair

Avinstallere = Uninstall

Lukk = Close

This is just a page showing that repair/uninstallation is running.

This tells that the repair or uninstallation is finished and you can close the window by pushing the button saying Lukk.

Lukk = Close

Content - most documentation in Norwegian

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