SSH integration - RADIUS
This integration guide is created using Ubuntu Linux. For other Linux distros adjust the instructions accordingly.
Buypass Code Service Connector RADIUS server installed.
RADIUS and LDAP configuration for the integration defined in Buypass Code Manager.
The user must in addition to LDAP exist as an account in the Linux installation.
Make sure the user accounts exists both on the Linux installation as well as in LDAP used by the Service Connector.
Example for adding a user to Linux:
sudo useradd user1
Install the RADIUS module in Linux
sudo apt-get install libpam-radius-auth
Configure the RADIUS authentication
Edit /etc/pam.d/sshs
Enter the following configuration as the second line
auth required /lib/security/
Comment out the following line to prevent the system from performing password authentication after the RADIUS authentication.
@include common-auth
Edit /etc/pam_radius_auth.conf
After the line secret 1
ipaddress_of_ServiceConnector shared_Secret 3
Restart SSH with the command
/etc/init.d/ssh restart
Test the SSH configuration by logging on to an account existing both on the Linux box and in the LDAP configured for Buypass Code.
Enter an OTP generated from the Buypass Code app as the password.