Buypass Code Service Connector installation guide

Buypass Code Service Connector installation guide


Buypass Code Service Connector (SC) is the physical access point to the Buypass Code solution for
merchants. The SC uses a regular SSL certificate issued by Buypass to perform point-to-point
encryption when communicating with Buypass Code Servers located centrally at Buypass.

A unique signing certificate is used to identify a SC. The signing certificate is generated by Buypass
and should be used on all SC’s so that all requests are signed.

The SC is a light weight access point for Radius traffic, and mostly routes the traffic to Buypass Code
Servers for further processing. It also handles directory lookup using instructions based on
configurations that the merchant enters into Buypass Code Manager.

SC supports the following authentication protocols: PAP, CHAP, MSCHAPv2.

Technical requirements

  • Software requirements
    • Windows 2012 (R2) / Windows 2016 / Windows 2019
    • Active internet connection
  • Hardware requirements
    • CPU - Pentium class processor 1 GHz or faster
    • HD - 200MB of available hard disk space
    • RAM - 2GB of available RAM
  • Network connectivity
    • Buypass SC needs read access to your Directory Server via LDAP / LDAPS. Service account credentials are entered in Buypass Code Manager.
    • Buypass SC needs to communicate with Buypass Code Servers via https (port 443) to IP addresses and
    • The access point/Radius client needs to communicate with the SC via Radius (default UDP port 1812).

Installation and configuration

There are three phases for installation/configuration of the SC. The SC has to be installed and configured. LDAP and RADIUS configurations have to be established in Buypass Code Manager. And finally the point of access (RAS, NAS, VPN etc.) has to be configured to use the SC.

Installation of Buypass Code Service Connector

A Service Connector install wizard can be downloaded from Buypass Ekstranett. Please make sure you have access to the signing certificate sent by e-mail and the certificate password sent by SMS from number 1960. Also make sure you have admin access to the server.

  • Start the wizard and press "Next".

  • Find the signing certificate and enter the certificate password. Press "Next" and then "Install". The necessary files will be installed in C:\bps\ and a service named "bpcode-sc" will be installed.

  • Check the "Start service" checkbox and press "Finish".

  • Verify that the SC has started by opening C:\bps\log\trace\sc_trace_TIMESTAMP.log and check that the last rows look like the following:

  • You can also try to authenticate and verify that the authentication is logged in C:\bps\log\trace\sc_trace_TIMESTAMP.log.

Buypass Code Manager

  • LDAP configuration
    The LDAP configuration is used to lookup user information using a Directory Service via LDAP/LDAPS, e.g. Active Directory from Microsoft. The Directory Service should contain mobile numbers and/or App-ID for users.

For more information about LDAP configuration, see LDAP / HTTP look up.

  • RADIUS configuration
    The RADIUS configuration define which access points/RADIUS clients are allowed to send requests to the SC.

For more information about RADIUS configuration, see Radius clients doc.

  • Point of access/RADIUS client 
    The local point of access/RADIUS client has to be configured to communicate with the SC via RADIUS. The IP-address has to point to the SC and the Shared Secret has to be the same as the one in the RADIUS configuration in Buypass Code Manager.

For more information about integrating Buypass Code with other products, see Integration Guides at Installation Guides

Upgrading guide

This section describes how to upgrade from an earlier version of the Service Connector.

  • Start the install wizard and press "Next".

  • The install wizard will automatically find your certificates and config, press "Install".

  • The upgrade is finished. Check the "Start Service" box and press "Finish" to start the service.

  • Verify that the SC has started by opening C:\bps\log\sc_trace_TIMESTAMP.log and check that the last rows look like the following:

  • You can also try to authenticate and verify that it is logged in C:\bps\log\trace\sc_trace_TIMESTAMP.log.

Service Connector configuration parameters

If you wish to modify the default configurations this is done in C:\bps\config\properties\cnl\bpc\sc\scconfig-local.properties. The "bpcode-sc" service has to be restarted before new configurations become active.

Parameter and default valueDescription
Log paramater
cfg.gen.general.logger_type=1Specifies what logger type to use
0 - void logger
1 - console logger (stdout/stderr)
2 - file logger, specified by file_log_dir
cfg.gen.general.file_log_dir=/bps/log/Specify log path for log, only used if logger_type is
cfg.gen.general.tracer_type=1Specifies what tracer type to use
0 - void tracer
1 - console tracer (stdout/stderr)
2 - file tracer, path specified by file_trace_dir
cfg.gen.general.trace_level=8Trace lever for the server, primary used for
debuging 0 - no trace
8 - maximum trace
cfg.gen.general.file_trace_dir=/bps/log/trace/Specify log path for trace, only used if tracer_type
is 2
cfg.gen.general.print_properties=trueSpecifies if configurations should be written to
trace on start up of Service Connector.
Networking configuration
cfg.gen.io.client_socket_read_wait=30000Specifies socket timeout for read operations
against Buypass Code Server – in milliseconds
cfg.gen.io.max_raw_message_bytesize=2097152Maximum packet size between the SC and the
Buypass Code Server server (in bytes)
cnl.bpc.sc.rasurl=https://ras.buypass.no/ras2/Specifies the Buypass Code Server (RAS) URL
cnl.bpc.sc.auth_port=1812Specifies the Radius Authentication port
cfg.gen.io.bind_ip=Can be used on a multi-homed host for only
accepting connect requests to one of its
addresses. If not set, it will default accepting
connections on any/all local addresses
cnl.bpc.sc.proxy.url=An optional parameter defining the HTTP proxy to
use. If no port is present the default port is 8080.
E.g. (http://proxy.hostname:8080)
Start up
Specifies if SC should stop if it can’t contact the
Buypass Code Server
Radius duplicate handling
cnl.bpc.sc.duplicate_window_time=30000Duplicate package handle timeout in milliseconds
cnl.bpc.sc.duplicate_window_size=5000Duplicate package handle max cache size
Key and certificate configuration
Specifies the physical path to the signing
certificate used by the service connector. This file
authenticates this instance of the service
cnl.bpc.sc.keystore.alias=AUTOSpecifies the key file alias. If the key file contains
only one entry, please set this value to AUTO. If
the key file contains more than one entry, the
correct alias must be specified
cnl.bpc.sc.keystore.type=AUTOSpecifies key file type
JKS - Java Key Store
PKCS12 - PKCS12 key file
AUTO - auto detect key file type based on file
extension (PKCS12 files has .p12 extensions,
JKS has no extension)
cnl.bpc.sc.keystore.password=test123Specifies the signing certificate password
Physical path to encryption certificate used to
encrypt kommunication between the SC and
Buypass Code Server
cnl.bpc.sc.node_id=0Specify when you use more than one Service
Connector per Service Connector certificate to
guarantee unique ID per SC

Server logging

All trace log files can be found in C:\bps\log\trace\

All access log files can be found in C:\bps\log\access\

Error log files can be found in C:\bps\log\error\ or C:\bps\bpcode-sc\winservice\log\

Configuration parameters for log rotation

The SC can rotate/archive log files based on time and/or size. The table shows configuration parameters and examples of different configurations. Choose one for each type of log and put it in C:\bps\release\[version]\config\properties\cnl\bpc\sc\scconfig-local.properties.

Parameters and example configurationsDescription
Trace log

cfg.gen.general.tracer_type=6Specifies type of log rotation
6 = Time based (or time and size based)
7 = Size based
cfg.gen.general.tracer_history=3Specifies the number of archive files to store
cfg.gen.general.tracer_rollover_pattern=hourlySpecifies how often rotation should happen
minutely = Every minute hourly = Every
hour daily = Every day weekly = Every
week monthly = Every month
cfg.gen.general.tracer_max_size=5mbSpecifies maximum size of active file before
rotation happens. Size in km, mb or gb
Example of configurations for trace log
Time dependent
Rotates every hour with maximum 3 archive files
Size dependent
Rotates when active file is 5mb with maximum 10
archive files
Time dependent with size limit
Rotates every hour or when active file is 5mb with
maximum 4 archive files
Access log
cfg.gen.general.access_logger_type=6Specifies type of log rotation
6 = Time based (or time and size based)
7 = Size based
cfg.gen.general.access_history=3Specifies the number of archive files to store
cfg.gen.general.access_rollover_pattern=hourlySpecifies how often rotation should happen
minutely = Every minute hourly = Every
hour daily = Every day weekly = Every
week monthly = Every month
cfg.gen.general.access_max_size=5mbSpecifies maximum size of active file before
rotation happens. Size in km, mb or gb
Example of configurations for access log
Time dependent
Rotates every hour with maximum 3 archive files
Size dependent
cfg.gen.general.access_max_size =5mb
Rotates when active file is 5mb with maximum 10
archive files
Time dependent with size limit
cfg.gen.general.access_max_size =5mb
Rotates every hour or when active file is 5mb with
maximum 4 archive files
Error log
cfg.gen.general.logger_type=6Specifies type of log rotation
6 = Time based (or time and size based)
7 = Size based
cfg.gen.general.logger_history=3Specifies the number of archive files to store
cfg.gen.general.logger_rollover_pattern=hourlySpecifies how often rotation should
happen minutely = Every minute hourly =
Every hour daily = Every day weekly =
Every week monthly = Every month
cfg.gen.general.logger_max_size=5mbSpecifies maximum size of active file before
rotation happens. Size in km, mb or gb
Example of configurations for error log
Time dependent
Rotates every hour with maximum 3 archive files
Size dependent
Rotates when active file is 5mb with maximum 10
archive files
Time dependent with size limit
Rotates every hour or when active file is 5mb with
maximum 4 archive files


If installation fails for some reason, start by looking for error messages in the log files

The following are examples of error messages, what they mean and how to solve the error.

  • Wrong password

Above error means that the signing certificate password is wrong. Verify that the password sent to you by SMS is the same as the password found in C:\bps\config\properties\cnl\bpc\sc\scconfiglocal.properties for attribute cnl.bpc.sc.keystore.password. Note that 0 (zero) and O as well as I (upper case i) and l (lower case L) can easily be mixed.

  • Unable to load certificate

Above error means that the signing certificate can’t be loaded by the SC. Verify that the signing certificate that was sent by mail is located in C:\bps\tools\jarsigning\ and that the cnl.bpc.sc.keystore.path attribute in CC:\bps\config\properties\cnl\bpc\sc\scconfig-local.properties points to the certificate.

  • Port in use

Above error means that the port that the SC is trying to use for Radius communication is already in use by another application. Close the application that is using the port or set another port that the SC can use for Radius communication by specifying it for attribute cnl.bpc.sc.auth_port in C:\bps\config\properties\cnl\bpc\sc\scconfig-local.properties (requires  version 7.26.X.X).





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