Installation - Configuration Application

Installation - Configuration Application

(lightbulb) This information is written in English only


The Configuration Application Tool is installed automatically as part of the BAM-client installation. After installation of the client you need to configure the settings of the client by creating both LOCAL and MASTER configurations.

The Configuration Application Tool is located in client root installation folder.

For more information about configuration of Buypass Access Manager – BAM – see the guide “Configuration Application Tool”.

Startup page of Config App before version 3.5 

Startup page of Config App from version 3.5

LraConfig.Local.xml is used to store BAM-client specific settings connected to current BAM-PC:

  • Language - NOR or ENG
  • Cardreader names
  • Logging severity level
  • Scanner ID
  • MASTER configuration file name and path

Default name is LraConfig.Local.xml. This name should NOT be changed. LOCAL config-file will be stored in the same folder where the BAM-client application software is stored. 

LraClient.Master.xml is used to store organization specific settings:

  • Active Directory settings and mappings
  • Certification authority settings
  • BAM-client mode
  • Company name (used for PDF documents)
  • Issue process configuration
  • Local document, reports and remote area configuration
  • Open pocket key length

Default name is LraClient.Master.xml. MASTER config-file can be named anything and stored anywhere. Usually the file is stored on a file share if an organization have more clients and want to share same configuration. Most important is that the MASTER config-file is found, and filename and path for MASTER config-file must be stored in LOCAL config file – see figure below.

The MASTER configuration can be used of all BAM-clients set up in an organization.


A full version of the BAM requires that all peripheral devices are connected. At startup of the BAM-client all devices are checked, and if communication with one or more devices are missing the BAM-client does not start. All connections can be tested during configuration.

A satellite version of the BAM (limited functionality) can be set up and run without some of the peripherals depending on which features are set up. For instance, an BAM with PIN Management and Temporary card only, will need card readers for User and Operator and a PinPad for setting PIN.

More information about where files and logs are located on C-disk see chapter Files and catalogues structure description.

BAM client in different Modes

BAM-client can be configured in 3 different Modes:

  1. Local Mode: Issuance and maintenance of local certificates. There is no communication with Buypass. Users and certificate groups are both checked towards the AD. If the User card has qualified certificates (QC) Operator will be notified, but beyond that QC will be ignored.

  2. Buypass Mode: Issuance and maintenance of qualified certificates (QC) only. There is only communication with Buypass and no relative check in local AD. Users are registered and maintained in Buypass Customer Management System (CMS) only. If the User card has local certificates (LC / EA) Operator will be notified, but beyond that LC / EA will be ignored.

  3. Mixed Mode: Issuance and maintenance of both local and qualified certificates. There is communication with both local AD and Buypass. Users and certificate groups are checked towards AD, and the Users who should have QC must be registered at Buypass. If the User card has qualified certificates (QC) from a different issuer than BAS Issuer Operator will be notified, but beyond that, these QC will be ignored.


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